Monday, September 5, 2011

Get 'Dem Deals!: Toys'R'Us Moving Sale

So Toys R Us is moving. Sources say to the Tinseltown area. Seems like a bad idea, but, hey, SALES! 60% OFF!*

*up to

I don't know how long the sale has been going on, but there wasn't much goods[tuff] to be had. I doubt there were many to begin with. But I did find some goodies.

Guitar Hero: Van Halen ($6)
Guitar Hero: Metallica ($2.40)
Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s ($5.99)
AC/DC Live!: Rock Band Track Pack ($4.73)

Though I moved on from the Guitar Hero craze of several years ago, I did pick it back up earlier this summer and picked (ha!) my way through Guitar Heros 1-3 (Freya is my best song). Nice find to pick up Metallica, Val Halan, and AC/DC on the cheap. Not sure how a music game comprised mainly of a single band, but, hey!, it's Metallica, Val Halan, and AC/DC. And it's cheap!

My only other concern is that AC/DC Live! is a Rock Band game. My guitar is Guitar Hero-based. I know there shouldn't be a problem. The game box tells me there shouldn't be a problem. I just remember Activision making a hissy fit about the issue. Whatever the case, I'll have a pretty sweet box cover.

While walking towards the register, I happened to notice a very small dump pile of DVDs. Hey, why not, right? Browse. Browse. CBS. Browse. Browse. Couple discoveries.

Batman/Superman: Apocalypse ($6.49)
Star Trek: Nemesis ($2.49)

All in all, a pretty good catch. Checking out, I got a little bothered by the lady ringing me up making it very clear that there would be no refunds. Over and over again. Back in the car, I quickly removed the security plastic/stickers for Star Trek: Nemesis. There was a DVD inside. Screwjob averted!


  1. Did you like Star Trek: Nemesis? I thought it was by far the weakest of the TNG movies.

    Nice finds on all the Guitar Hero/Rock Band stuff. We own Rocks the 80's, which is pretty fun. We don't own any of the artist-special games though. I'll be curious to hear your thoughts on them. Katy has always wanted to try the Beatles Rock Band.

    Katy actually just bought Rock Band 3 for the Wii, which we have played basically non-stop over the long weekend. That adds up to four fake plastic guitars in our living room. It could get to be a problem.

  2. I did like Nemesis overall. My favorite parts of the movie were the ones that gave a sense of closure to the series. And I really liked the ending with B-4 singing to himself and Picard walking away smiling. Really nice space battle as well between the Enterprise and the Reman Predator.

    I do need to get my hands on copies of the other ST:TNG movies. My memory is really fuzzy on them for some reason. I remember liking First Contact. Hating Generations due to Kirk. And I don't recall squat about Insurrection.

    Hey, big surprise about Nemesis. Shinzon is a skinny Tom Hardy, the forger in Inception and Bane in next year's Batman movie.
