Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Concerning the differences between Joey Cape and Vinnie

Ryan, you made an excellent point about comparing Joey and Vinnie, but I don't know that it's quite apples to oranges in the way you suggested. Going back to Joey's interview, after mentioning the time and work spent writing songs, then the recording phase, and then on to producing, Joey finishes by saying, "By the time a record comes out, I usually, really honestly never want to hear it again." Considering Vinnie already had a cut of the album, I don't think they're quite so far apart in terms of perspective.

I think the reason it might be wrong to compare them has more to do with their respective roles. Vinnie writes lyrics and plays percussion, but most of the composition duties fall to Chris and Roger, and I'm not really certain how involved Vinnie is with the recording and production. On the other hand, Joey Cape does all the writing, most of the composing, and is very involved in all phases. I didn't take into account that Joey was responsible for a much higher percentage of his music. While I still don't care for how much Vinnie loved the new album, I don't think it's nearly as tasteless when we consider that he could legitimately be enjoying the work of his bandmates rather than his own contributions.

I also agree that there must have been some stage in the process where Joey Cape appreciated his work, and I think I would have pressed him a bit further on that issue if I were conducting the interview. Just as not being satisfied helps you grow, there still must be some degree to which you appreciate your work, because how else can you distinguish between bad, good and better? I think I would have asked him to look back at all his experiences through all stages of writing songs, and if he could, pick the one song that gave him the most momentary satisfaction with his efforts as an artist. Or more simply, which song was he most proud of at any given moment?

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